What is Dupuytren’s Disease? – Definition, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and More
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Dupuytren’s Disease Definition
Dupuytren’s disease is an abnormal thickening of the tissue just under the skin.
This thickening occurs in the palm and spread to the fingers. Firm pits, nodules, and cords may form that can cause the fingers to bend toward the palm.
A condition described as Dupuytren’s contracture. While the skin affected in the process, deeper structures, such as tendons, not directly involved.
The disease occasionally causes thickening on the top of the knuckles or bumps or cords on the feet’ soles (plantar fibromatosis).
What are the Causes of Dupuytren’s Disease?
- The cause of Dupuytren’s disease is unknown, but it associates with certain biochemical factors within the affected tissue.
- The problem is common in men over 40 and in people of Northern European descent.
What Signs and Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Disease?
- Symptoms of Dupuytren’s disease often include lumps and holes in the palm. The bumps usually firm and attached to the skin.
- Thick cords may develop extending from the palm to one or more fingers those most commonly affected are the ring and little fingers.
- These cord mistakes for tendons, but they are actually between the skin and the tendons. And cords cause flexion or contractures of the fingers.
- In many cases, both hands are affected, although the degree of involvement can vary.
- The initial lumps can cause discomfort that usually resolves, but Dupuytren’s disease is not typically painful.
- The disease is likely first noticed due difficulty of laying the hand flat on an even surface As the tissue thickens and the fingers flex towards the palm.
- These difficulties are likely to be perceived in washing, wearing gloves, shaking hands, and putting hands in pockets.
is the Treatment for Dupuytren’s Disease?
- In mild cases, significantly if the hand’s function is not affected, only observation is required.
- In more severe cases, there are several treatment options available to straighten the fingers. And these options include needles or open surgery.
- And your surgeon will explain the most appropriate method for your condition based on the disease’s stage and pattern and the affected joints.
- In the treatment dupuytren’s disease goal is to improve the fingers’ position and, therefore, the hand’s function.
- Despite treatment, the disease process can recur. Before treatment of dupuytren’s disease, your surgeon will discuss realistic goals and possible risks and results with you. Specific surgical factors to consider the following.
- The lump in the palm does not imply that surgery is needed or that the disease will progress. Correction of the fingers’ position best achieves mild contractures or contractures that affect the fingers’ base.
- Sometimes complete correction is not possible, especially in the middle and fingertip joints.
- Sometimes skin grafts are needed to cover open areas on the fingers if the skin is deficient.
- The nerves that transmit sensation to the fingertips regularly intertwine with the cords.
- Splinting and physical therapy is often necessary after surgery to maximize and maintain finger position and function improvement.